Culture & Traditions
Cultures and Traditions takes a look at how people interact with each other. This might be through sub-cultures, relationships, fads or religion and spirituality.
Inside LA's Forest Lawn, Where the Biggest Celebrities Rest in Peace
Is Human Composting the Greenest Burial Option?
What's With Germany's Strict Burial Regulations?
Does a Dandelion Tattoo Symbolize Good Luck? Unraveling Its Meaning
What Is the Real Meaning Behind a Spider Web Tattoo?
The Mystery of Scorpion Tattoos – What Do They Really Mean?
Does Sound Bowl Healing Work?
Every Celtic Knot Holds Meaning Within Its Intricate Design
What in the World Is a 'Shoey'?
The Hardest Tongue Twister in English Is...
We Say 'Once in a Blue Moon' But Blue Moons Aren't That Rare
Why We 'Touch Base' at Work and in Baseball
What's the Science Behind Mood Rings?
10 Things We Love to Hate About the '70s and '80s
Celebratory Yard Signs Are Having a Major Moment
5 Family Traditions for New Babies
5 Family Anniversary Traditions
5 Family Traditions for Daughters
Is a Solar Eclipse a Rare Spiritual Event? Rituals for Aligning Your Energy
Is Witchcraft Dangerous? Debunking Myths vs. Reality
Are Mermaids Real? A Look at Mermaid Myths Across Cultures
What Are the Most and Least Popular Birthdays in the U.S.?
The Firm vs. the Family: How Does the British Monarchy Really Work?
What's the Difference Between a Duke and an Earl?
Deciphering Generation Names, Birth Years and Stereotypes
How the Millennial Generation Works
Millennials Are Making Birthday Cards a Thing Again
How Many Sentences Are in a Paragraph, Really?
All About Adjectives: Examples, Types and Uses
Simile Examples in Literature and Everyday Language
14 Weird Christmas Traditions to Perplex and Delight You
Where to Find the Best Christmas Markets in Europe
The Biggest Christmas Tree in the World Was 20 Stories Tall
5 Black-Red-Yellow Flag Designs Around the World
Which Blue and White Flag Is That? 9 Possibilities
Telling One Green-White-Orange Flag From Another
7 Signs He Likes You More Than Just a Friend
Kindness Quotes to Inspire Positivity and Connection
Who Keeps the Ring if the Engagement Ends in a Breakup?
The Armor of God: A Metaphorical Guide to Christian Faith
9 Names of God in Christianity and Judaism
Kali: Goddess of Death and Rebirth in Hindu Tradition
How Synanon Went From Rehab Philosophy to Violent Cult
Branch Davidians and David Koresh's End of the World
The Unification Church: Mass Marriages and a Moonie Messiah
Quiz: Finish That Jingle!
How One Woman Unexpectedly Became the Voice of Siri
There's a Healthier Way to Consume Your Media
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How do parents show kids they love them on Valentine's Day without breaking the bank? Let HowStuffWorks and TLC give you tips and tricks to make this Valentine's Day a budget-friendly occasion with lots of heart.
Is it possible to love more than one person? Those who practice polyamory think so, taking on multiple romantic relationships at the same time. Aside from logistics, there's potential jealousy and the social stigma that comes with it. Just how do they make it work?
Many kids put a lot stock in the Easter bunny myth, and look forward to the arrival of their cotton-tailed friend all spring. But is it harmful for them to believe past a certain age?
"You can't hide your lyin' eyes," cautioned the Eagles, and they're right. We like to think that words count, but do they communicate as clearly as body language?
Love it or hate it, you have to admit that TV is one of the most powerful forms of mass media in the Western world. But what are some of the most famous, world-changing TV moments?
From flat-screen HDTVs to small, flip-open screens, TV viewing has become part of everyday life, far removed from the luxurious event of watching black-and-white TV in its earliest days. How has this evolution changed America?
Since the advent of smartphones, you can check your e-mail, catch up on Facebook, browse the Internet and even watch videos, all on the go. Naturally, cell phones have already affected our viewing habits and changed the TV industry. But how?
Home theater technology is offering better and better picture and sound at lower and lower prices. When will the home viewing experience supplant theaters entirely?
Since the launch of ESPN in 1979, 24-hour sports stations have grown into a multibillion dollar industry, with even extremely niche-focused sports networks pulling in millions in revenue. How has this had an impact on society?
Since DVRs have gained popularity, TV networks have had to adapt to the time-shifting, commercial-skipping technology. DVRs allow viewers to schedule recordings and watch programs whenever they like. But are these viewings factored into ratings?
You laugh, but a whole generation of mad men once trembled at the thought of VCRS and, more important, the total destruction they stood to wreak on ad sales. It didn't happen though. Is it the same story with digital video recording?
It's impossible to say for certain whether TV has been good or bad for American politics. But the introduction of the television definitely changed the political landscape in the United States, from the election of the president to the city council.
By Matt Sailor
The introduction of television all but changed the way we elect our presidents. So just how exactly has this powerful medium influenced our elections? Read on to find out.
By Matt Sailor
Do you love wandering the aisles of specialty food stores, seeking exotic ingredients to transform into a gourmet feast? If Friday fish fingers have no place at your table, you're probably a foodie -- and you just might have TV to thank for it.
These days, crime dramas are all the rage, from the bazillion spin-offs of "CSI" to "reality" shows like "Cops." How has all this crime drama shaped our perceptions, for better or worse, of law enforcement here in the real world?
By Lance Looper
The best TV shows change the way we think about news, sports, drama or comedy. Which ones have had the most impact on viewers or the medium?
By Garth Sundem
Today, watching your favorite baseball or football game on television includes extra timeouts, more close-up shots and lots of instant replays. So how else has TV changed the sports we love to watch?
By Garth Sundem
You may picture decades of radio-bound sports broadcasting before those sports hit TV. But in reality, there were only 18 years between the first radio broadcast and the first TV broadcast of a live sporting event. What was that first televised game?
By Garth Sundem
While the first television sets and networks were already being built before World War II, during the war, most television production ceased. Afterward, though, TV helped create the world we live in today. So how did the war affect television?
Children ages 8 to 18 spend nearly four hours a day in front of the TV, and part of parenting is helping them understand and interpret the messages they're receiving. But how can TV affect a child's mood?
It's no secret that TV has a great influence on popular culture. So it shouldn't come as a surprise that what our favorite characters say on TV inevitably infiltrates our language, as well. But has TV really changed the way we speak?
Our heads are full of commercial jingles, company mottos and snappy slogans that we've gleaned from years of watching TV. So what are some of the most famous jingles that we can't seem to get out of our minds?
By Garth Sundem
TV ads are built on one simple idea: If you buy X, you'll get Y. But Y is rarely the product itself. Rather, it's a positive emotion or an amazing experience. How do ads use this promise of greatness to influence American culture?
By Garth Sundem
The major 24-hour networks report the same news, but that doesn't mean they report the same stories. While news is limited by the size of an event, a story is limited only by the size of producers' imaginations. So how has this affected society?
By Garth Sundem
Many people are pretty conscious of how much energy they use. But have you ever wondered if your cable set-top box is sucking up too much power? Or if your satellite TV setup is an energy hog?