Generation Gaps

Generation differences have existed since the first parents had their first children -- but what sets modern generations apart from each other? Are we really that different?

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From sock hops and bell bottoms to low-rise jeans and TikTok dance challenges, each generation has many characteristics and trends that set it apart from the next.

By Desiree Bowie

The millennial generation is steadily increasing in numbers. This group often gets a bad rap from older people, but what's the truth about millennials?

By Alia Hoyt & Jane McGrath

Despite the overall slump in greeting card sales, millennials are surprisingly drawn to cards and their low-tech charms.

By Alia Hoyt


Never mind the generation gap: Here is what’s really going on in the workplace.

By Dave Roos

Not all millennials see themselves as special snowflakes. In fact, many of the qualities people think are inherent in Generation Y actually aren't. Which misconceptions about millennials are really just slights against youth?

By Melanie Radzicki McManus

If you were born sometime between the mid-60s and the beginning of the 80s, you're considered part of Generation X, a loose demographic that came after the postwar Baby Boomers and before the so-called Millennials. What makes Gen-Xers tick?

By Gerlinda Grimes

Members of Generation Y are a mosaic of traits that often seem incompatible: They're egotistical and brash, yet eager to learn and contribute; they want to make lots of money, and they support nonprofit causes. Here, learn how Generation Y works.

By Michael Franco


Ernest Hemingway used the term as a shorthand description for his generation. What did he mean by it?

By Jill Jaracz

Tom Brokaw dubbed this generation "the greatest generation any society has produced," marked by values like "personal responsibility, duty, honor and faith." What else makes this group of Americans so remarkable?

By Clint Pumphrey

We have a tendency to group generations into tidy little groups based on age and shared cultural traits, but Generation Me is harder to define than most -- perhaps because it's hard to put people so determined to be individuals in boxes.

By Ed Grabianowski

They're Generation Z, the newest kids on the demographic block. Technological wizards who have never known life without Internet access, they're the future leaders of our world. What else sets them apart from previous generations, and what challenges do they face?

By Lance Looper


Baby boomers, boomers, Generation "Me" -- whatever you call them, they're members of the most famous and talked-about generation in history. What are the defining characteristics of this aging generation, and how will their retirement impact the rest of us? Find out in How the Baby Boom Generation Works.

By Gerlinda Grimes

Generation gaps are usually harmless; it's fine if you don't really understand the perspective of someone significantly younger or older than you. However, it can really do some damage in the workplace.

By Dave Roos