You can learn a lot about yourself by studying your genealogy. Tracing your family through history can help you appreciate where you come from. In this section we'll explore genealogy and the best ways of researching genealogy.
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Some months are bursting with popular birthdates and others are stone cold out of the picture. Which are the most and least popular birthdays and why?
By Alia Hoyt
The tell-all interview between Meghan Markle, Prince Harry and Oprah Winfrey had many people wondering at the differences between the British royal family and "The Firm" - and who's really calling the shots.
They both sound prestigious, but one ranks higher than the other. So, which is it and how do you get your hands on one of these British titles, anyway?
A popular Native American aphorism says, "It's not about what you claim, it's about who claims you."
By Dave Roos
Scientists have finally sequenced the genome of ancient Egyptians using mummy DNA, and unexpected data show significant differences from modern Egyptians.
Critics worry that when you send your DNA to for personal analysis it can be used for nefarious purposes.
By Dave Roos
Do birds of a feather flock together? When it comes to marriage they often do, but just how similar are spouses to each other?
By Bambi Turner
If you can trace your ancestry back more than three generations, you're doing better than many of us. But when you've dived into the murky archives before the 1900s, you will definitely find yourself wondering just how far back you'll be able to go.
Wanting to know where you come from is a pretty basic human desire. And when your obstacle is a lack of information, a genealogy test might be a good place to start your search for your ancestors. But where's the best place to do it?
Any amateur genealogist knows the feeling of obsession that hits when you reach a dead end in the family tree. How can a person just disappear? But they do, and they can be tough to track down - unless you harness the power of technology.
The immigrant narrative is a powerful story. Many Americans have an ancestor or two who traveled to Ellis Island with an unpronounceable last name and a dream of a better life. But how can you find them?
How many people are in your family tree? Generally, the only barrier to constructing one on paper that would take up your entire floor is knowledge. Now, if you could just get all the information without talking to your great aunt ...
One myth says Genghis Khan killed 1.7 million people in one hour - obviously impossible. A more recent claim is that a bunch of us (millions, in fact) can claim him as a great-great (keep going) grandfather. Is there more truth to this one?
Who would run a genealogy scam? More people than you might think. So get savvy! Here's what to look for (and what to tell budding genealogists in your family to avoid). We'll start with the most common cons out there.
Being an island nation has its perks, but genetic diversity isn't one of them. In fact, every native Icelander is descended from the same couple. (Talk about awkward dating scenarios!) That's where the book comes in.
You might know your immediate family and even some cousins, but what about how your genes have been traveling through time via your ancestors? What's the best way to get a handle on all that family history?
By Alia Hoyt
After seeing celebs find out about their ancestors on shows like "Finding Your Roots," you might want to do the same. How do you start?
While you can create scrapbooks of parties or vacations, a really meaningful and fun project is to scrapbook your family history. How do you keep all those certificates, clippings and photos from looking like a hot mess?
By Alia Hoyt
What do Alexandre Dumas, Pete Wentz and Alexander Pushkin have in common? We're not talking about literary talents - they're all people whose African ancestry is not well-known. Who else is on the list?
Your DNA is unique and can tell a lot about you. You and your parents share genetic markers, and so will your other relatives. Some people use DNA to research their family history, but how well does it work?
Attaching a crest or coat of arms to one's family history sometimes fuels a sense of pride or belonging. However, it will take some serious research to locate your crest.
The DAR is an organization for descendants of Revolutionary patriots. It promotes education, historic preservation and patriotism. How exclusive is it really?
By Alia Hoyt
There are many genealogy Web sites that can help in your search for your ancestors. Learn about online genealogy resources like general search engines, directories, compiled genealogies, transcribed records, online libraries, and more.
Genealogy is the researching of your family tree. This article explains the steps for building a genealogy, including conducting interviews, researching names and dates, recording data, obtaining records, and using software and other tools.