Television and Culture
Television and culture have each affected the other in major ways. From epic historical moments to hilarious TV catch phrases, television and culture influence each other daily. In this section we'll examine the relationship between television and culture.
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Sure, you might know which candy bar you're supposed to break a piece off of, but there are a lot of other jingles out there. See how many of these you recognize!
By Alia Hoyt
Atlanta's Susan Bennett never knew she was primed to become one of the world's most famous voices until Siri first debuted on American iPhones in 2011.
Are you over-ingesting on media? Perhaps an overhaul of your "media diet" is in order.
By John Donovan
The American Academy of Pediatrics exchanges its 'turn it off' stance for a more nuanced approach.
By Julia Layton
Modern media embrace the flying machines. But is that good for our society?
By Chris Opfer
Every con has vendors, but Star Wars Celebration offers some of the most drool-worthy art, accessories and armor in the galaxy. Check out art by Cat Staggs, armor by Anovos and unique jewelry by Norse Legion.
What would a Star Wars convention be without costumes? Fans from all over the world share their fantastic handmade creations with us, including a handmaiden, a wookiee and the latest Star Wars villain.
Every Star Wars fan has favorite things they love about the galaxy far, far away. We conducted an informal poll at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim to find out what planets, tech and characters from the Star Wars universe are the most popular.
Star Wars: Force for Change and Unicef Kid Power teamed up at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim to show kids (and kids at heart) that they have the power to create meaningful change in the world while having fun.
Steve Sansweet gave our crew a guided tour of the amazing displays he brought to Star Wars Celebration Anaheim. From paintings to plushies, the Rancho Obi-Wan booth was stuffed with original creations.
Join Holly Frey from HowStuffWorks as she gets an early look at the beautiful props and costumes from the up coming Star Wars: The Force Awakens. And make sure to check out all of our coverage from Star Wars Celebration 2015.
We've all done it. You planned to watch just one episode of your favorite show but ended up burning through four or five in a single setting. Ever wonder why binge watching is so addictive?
Since 2006, there's been an enormous increase in mass murders and many experts think this may be because of the publicity these criminals receive on TV and the Internet. Could the wide coverage inspire copycat behavior?
By Alia Hoyt
Emergency rooms on TV are fraught with drama and tension. While nonfictional ERs have their share of stressful moments, a lot of the work they do is misrepresented when it's transferred to the entertainment sphere.
Maybe you could care less about grammar. After all, it's a doggy-dog world? No. That might sound right, but it's one of 10 common phrases people say wrong.
By Chris Opfer
Does TV shape culture or reflect it? Since TVs became commonplace in American homes in the 1950s, pundits have debated their positive and negative effects. We'll examine some of the changes.
Since the advent of smartphones, you can check your e-mail, catch up on Facebook, browse the Internet and even watch videos, all on the go. Naturally, cell phones have already affected our viewing habits and changed the TV industry. But how?
Home theater technology is offering better and better picture and sound at lower and lower prices. When will the home viewing experience supplant theaters entirely?
Since the launch of ESPN in 1979, 24-hour sports stations have grown into a multibillion dollar industry, with even extremely niche-focused sports networks pulling in millions in revenue. How has this had an impact on society?
Since DVRs have gained popularity, TV networks have had to adapt to the time-shifting, commercial-skipping technology. DVRs allow viewers to schedule recordings and watch programs whenever they like. But are these viewings factored into ratings?
You laugh, but a whole generation of mad men once trembled at the thought of VCRS and, more important, the total destruction they stood to wreak on ad sales. It didn't happen though. Is it the same story with digital video recording?
It's impossible to say for certain whether TV has been good or bad for American politics. But the introduction of the television definitely changed the political landscape in the United States, from the election of the president to the city council.
By Matt Sailor
The introduction of television all but changed the way we elect our presidents. So just how exactly has this powerful medium influenced our elections? Read on to find out.
By Matt Sailor
Do you love wandering the aisles of specialty food stores, seeking exotic ingredients to transform into a gourmet feast? If Friday fish fingers have no place at your table, you're probably a foodie -- and you just might have TV to thank for it.
These days, crime dramas are all the rage, from the bazillion spin-offs of "CSI" to "reality" shows like "Cops." How has all this crime drama shaped our perceptions, for better or worse, of law enforcement here in the real world?
By Lance Looper