Culture & Traditions
Cultures and Traditions takes a look at how people interact with each other. This might be through sub-cultures, relationships, fads or religion and spirituality.
Inside LA's Forest Lawn, Where the Biggest Celebrities Rest in Peace
Is Human Composting the Greenest Burial Option?
What's With Germany's Strict Burial Regulations?
Is Triangle Tattoo Meaning Modern or Ancient? History & Evolution
Is Elephant Tattoo Meaning Good Luck? Myth vs. Reality
Is Lotus Flower Tattoo Meaning a Sacred Symbol? History & Origins
Every Celtic Knot Holds Meaning Within Its Intricate Design
What in the World Is a 'Shoey'?
Did You Know It's 2016 in Ethiopia Right Now?
The Hardest Tongue Twister in English Is...
We Say 'Once in a Blue Moon' But Blue Moons Aren't That Rare
Why We 'Touch Base' at Work and in Baseball
What's the Science Behind Mood Rings?
10 Things We Love to Hate About the '70s and '80s
Celebratory Yard Signs Are Having a Major Moment
5 Family Traditions for New Babies
5 Family Anniversary Traditions
5 Family Traditions for Daughters
Are Mermaids Real? A Look at Mermaid Myths Across Cultures
All About the Mythical Phoenix: Bird of Fire and Eternal Life
Bad Luck Comes in Threes: Separating Superstition from Reality
What Are the Most and Least Popular Birthdays in the U.S.?
The Firm vs. the Family: How Does the British Monarchy Really Work?
What's the Difference Between a Duke and an Earl?
Deciphering Generation Names, Birth Years and Stereotypes
How the Millennial Generation Works
Millennials Are Making Birthday Cards a Thing Again
How Many Sentences Are in a Paragraph, Really?
All About Adjectives: Examples, Types and Uses
Simile Examples in Literature and Everyday Language
14 Weird Christmas Traditions to Perplex and Delight You
Where to Find the Best Christmas Markets in Europe
The Biggest Christmas Tree in the World Was 20 Stories Tall
5 Black-Red-Yellow Flag Designs Around the World
Which Blue and White Flag Is That? 9 Possibilities
Telling One Green-White-Orange Flag From Another
7 Signs He Likes You More Than Just a Friend
Kindness Quotes to Inspire Positivity and Connection
Who Keeps the Ring if the Engagement Ends in a Breakup?
The Armor of God: A Metaphorical Guide to Christian Faith
9 Names of God in Christianity and Judaism
Kali: Goddess of Death and Rebirth in Hindu Tradition
Branch Davidians and David Koresh's the End of the World
The Unification Church: Mass Marriages and a Moonie Messiah
Mennonite vs. Amish Communities, Values and Beliefs
Quiz: Finish That Jingle!
How One Woman Unexpectedly Became the Voice of Siri
There's a Healthier Way to Consume Your Media
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Countless films and TV shows have used the courtroom to capitalize on the climactic moments and sensational elements of the justice system. But how accurate are those depictions of legal procedure?
By Jane McGrath
There is certainly no denying the appeal of forensic investigation TV shows. But there's also no denying these shows employ sloppy, even criminal, investigation techniques and often use tools and technology that would never fly in the real world.
By Chris Warren
TV shows like "CSI," "Bones" and "Law and Order" could all-but help criminals figure out better ways to pull off their misdeeds without getting caught. But does watching the show really make a criminal better at, well, being a criminal?
By Chris Warren
Some TV relationships are simply too good to be true. Whatever it is that makes many well-known TV relationships seem improbable, we can't help but tune in, week after week, rerun after rerun, especially when it involves any of these 10.
By Beth Brindle
Admit it: You tune in for the twists and turns of "Grey's Anatomy" and "The Bachelor(ette)" as though your own fate hangs in the balance. So has this obsession with TV affected our real-life relationships?
By Beth Brindle
Thanks to the steady march of technology and the advent of HD, home theaters are more affordable than ever. But how do you transform your media room into a home theater that captures the essence of the real thing?
With theater-to-DVD turnarounds taking only a few months, and services like Netflix providing inexpensive ways to watch movies at home, the movie and theater industries have had to adapt to the rapid evolution of television technology that has put the movie-going model in danger. So could the TV eventually kill the movies?
The invention of the DVD changed the media industry in ways that were unimaginable just a few decades earlier -- from the way media is produced and marketed to the way it generates revenue. What are some other effects of DVDs on the film industry?
Love it or hate it, you have to admit that TV is one of the most powerful forms of mass media in the Western world. But what are some of the most famous, world-changing TV moments?
From flat-screen HDTVs to small, flip-open screens, TV viewing has become part of everyday life, far removed from the luxurious event of watching black-and-white TV in its earliest days. How has this evolution changed America?
If you only know about nuns through movies and television, then you might think that all nuns wield rulers while singing, dancing and flying. In reality, nuns have set themselves apart from the world to lead a more spiritual life, one with vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.
Today's version of marriage looks very different from the unions enjoyed by our ancestors. For most of human history, marriage was more akin to a business deal between men, and the bride in question had very few rights or other options. So how did marriage become associated with love?
Sure, someone can quit smoking. But if that person still yearns to light up a cigarette every day for the rest of his life, has he really changed? What does it take to alter behavior?
Getting your first tattoo is a rite of passage. But before you get your guitar gently inked on your bicep, it's important to do your research and know what you're getting into. Here are 10 tips for the tattoo virgin.
The oldest examples of tattooing yet found were discovered on a corpse dating back to 3300 BC. Learn about this and more in this history of tattooing.
The L.A. Ink posse is counting down the top five mistakes people make when getting a tattoo. Get their advice for what not to do the next time you get a tattoo.
Religious worship can serious and somber, but it can also be joyous and celebratory -- in the correct context, of course. Here are 10 deities, like that infamous Dionysus, who command their followers to party.
By Josh Clark
Valentine's Day is the most romantic day of the whole year ... unless your man totally drops the ball. What's so hard to remember about picking up a dozen red roses and a bottle of wine on the way home from the office? Here's what he doesn't want you to know.
The table is cleared and everybody's full, so gather around because we've found the 10 best Thanksgiving movies to watch with friends and family this November.
Does waving your arms around while you talk affect how people perceive your words? Yes, it does. In fact, you may not need to "choose your words" at all.
Traditionally, men have served as the breadwinner for a family while women governed the domestic sphere. But have the tables turned? And is the recession behind it?
Dreadlocks have been worn for thousands of years and in countries across the globe. Anyone with any hair texture (and a lot of patience) can grow them. Find out more about the hairstyle and the people who wear it.
By Matt Sailor & Yves Jeffcoat
Economists have long argued that women play a key role in lifting a nation out of poverty, yet the traditions and religions in the developing world have often blocked their progress. How do we break the cycle and find the path to gender equality?
Since ancient times, people have turned to courageous, larger-than-life champions as sources of inspiration. And even in today's more cynical culture, we still seek them out. Why?
Since ancient times, societies and nations have depended upon those willing to go to war. In the 21th century, we still do. How have warriors evolved and why do we look up to them?