Culture & Traditions

Cultures and Traditions takes a look at how people interact with each other. This might be through sub-cultures, relationships, fads or religion and spirituality.

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There are some 50 Chinatowns in America and hundreds more in other countries. What led to their creation and will they survive into the next century?

By Tara Yarlagadda

In this age of electronic communication, the art of letter writing has all but been lost, but the knowledge necessary to address an envelope is something we all should certainly possess.

By Francisco Guzman

‌It's one of the largest religions on Earth but little-known in the West, where its practitioners are often mistaken for Muslims or Hindus. What else should we know about the Sikh faith?

By Dave Roos


Many Jewish people will affix a mezuzah, a decorative case, to the doorframe of their houses. What's the significance of this?

By Dave Roos

Some words, like "cat" or "dog" are easy enough to spell. Others, however, cause quite the spelling frakas. Or is it fracas? Take the quiz to determine your spelling IQ!

By Alia Hoyt

Lao-tzu was the legendary Taoist philosopher whose words sound profoundly modern. They help us maintain a sense of harmony in an often-chaotic world. Here are five of his sayings to ponder.

By Dave Roos

Asian Americans continue to challenge injustice and a rising tide of hate crimes directed at them, while mainstream narratives fail to address their bravery, history and struggles.

By Tara Yarlagadda


An obscure passage in Genesis mentions a group of superhumans who were the offspring of angels and women. Who were the Nephilim and what do they have to do with the Watchers?

By Dave Roos

AAPI Month commemorates two important dates in Asian American history, but it wouldn't have become a reality without the efforts of one determined woman with some Congressional backing.

By Francisco Guzman

It takes a lot of brass to pull off chutzpah successfully. What does the word mean and what separates it from mere impudence?

By Dave Roos

Cain and Abel are depicted in the Bible as the first pair of brothers and also the first case of murder on Earth. But what does the story really mean?

By Dave Roos


The black-haired "demoness" of folklore turns up in many ancient legends, but in the 21st century, Lilith has been recast as a feminist symbol. This is her story.

By Dave Roos

In many countries, the practice of hypergamy has shifted since early times. Part of the reason has to do with the changing roles of women in education and the workplace. So, what does that mean for marriage?

By Carrie Whitney, Ph.D.

Chinese philosopher Confucius tutored many young men on ethical behavior. Here are five of his quotes about personal morals and good government that we can still learn from.

By Dave Roos

Sure, you might know which candy bar you're supposed to break a piece off of, but there are a lot of other jingles out there. See how many of these you recognize!

By Alia Hoyt


The tell-all interview between Meghan Markle, Prince Harry and Oprah Winfrey had many people wondering at the differences between the British royal family and "The Firm" — and who's really calling the shots.

By Melanie Radzicki McManus

Nonviolence is central to the core of Jainism, as everything has a soul – animals, flowers and even bacteria, as well as people. How do Jainists practice this in daily life?

By Dave Roos

This short four-line prayer is one of the best-known in the world. But who wrote it and how did it come to be associated with AA?

By Dave Roos

Ever heard anyone say, "He swears like a sailor"? Why do sailors get singled out for being extra-profane? Because there's a long, colorful history behind it.

By Dave Roos


Septum piercing has been a worldwide symbol of beauty and a rite of passage in many cultures for centuries, but there are definitely some things to know before you take the plunge and pierce.

By Wendy Bowman

It's the oldest (and probably most obscure) monotheistic religion. So, how did it influence so many of the better-known ones? And will Zoroastrianism survive?

By Dave Roos

The first man and woman are formed from clay to live in paradise until they are forced to leave because of deceit. It's a biblical story but also one found in many other cultures.

By Dave Roos

They both sound prestigious, but one ranks higher than the other. So, which is it and how do you get your hands on one of these British titles, anyway?

By Melanie Radzicki McManus


Recognized by its bright colors and rows of bold, woven patterns, kente cloth is more than a piece of fabric. Each kente cloth has meaning, which is conveyed through its colors, patterns and symbols.

By Carrie Whitney, Ph.D.

President-elect Joe Biden has pretty much made 'malarkey' a household word, so we thought we'd do some research into its origin story.

By Kristen Hall-Geisler