The Fascinating World of Full Moon Superstitions

By: HowStuffWorks  | 
full moon superstitions
Lunar Myths: Moon phases connected to werewolves, fertility, or spiritual energy showcase varied interpretations. Kanenori / Pixabay

The moon, our celestial neighbor, has captivated humanity for centuries. Its luminous presence in the night sky has inspired countless myths, rituals, and superstitions. From beliefs about its influence on human behavior to practices for harnessing its mystical energy, the full moon continues to evoke wonder and intrigue. In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of full moon superstitions, debunk myths, and uncover the rich cultural traditions associated with this celestial phenomenon.


The Power of the Full Moon

The full moon has long been associated with a sense of power and intensity. Many cultures believe that it possesses the ability to cleanse and reset, making it a significant time for rituals and wishes. One popular belief is that wishes made under a full moon have a higher chance of coming true. People create "moon water" by leaving a glass container filled with water under the moon's light overnight, believing that it becomes charged with the moon's energy and can be used for various purposes.


Lunar Superstitions and Rituals

Water-Based Wishing Ritual

According to some beliefs, writing down your wishes during a full moon can amplify their chances of manifestation. One TikTok user suggests writing your first name, surname, and date of birth three times in blue ink. Then, beneath that, write your wish in as much detail as possible. Fold the paper three times towards you, place it in a glass container, mix it three times clockwise, and leave it next to a window or outside overnight. Upon completion, recite a set of words invoking the power of the moon and expressing gratitude.

Three Things to Avoid During a Full Moon

Other TikTok users offer advice on what to avoid during a full moon. Getting a haircut is considered inauspicious during this time, as the energy is believed to be shifting and unstable. Signing major contracts is also discouraged, as the energy of the moon cycle may lead to revisions or the reopening of agreements. Additionally, consuming alcohol during a full moon is said to interfere with the moon's purging and clearing effects, making one more susceptible to unwanted energies.


Manifesting Money with a Candle

A viral TikTok video explains a ritual for manifesting money during a full moon. The ritual involves placing a candle on a plate and adding ingredients such as a silver coin, cinnamon, and instant coffee into the empty casing. The wax is then returned to the shell, and the desired amount of money is written on top. The candle must remain lit throughout the presence of the full moon. Followers of this ritual emphasize the importance of gratitude and patience, even if the desired amount is not immediately received.

Recharging Crystal Jewelry

The full moon is believed to be an ideal time for recharging crystals and crystal jewelry. Placing them on a windowsill or outside overnight allows them to be cleansed of any accumulated negative energy. The moon's powerful beams are said to restore their effectiveness and align them with their intended purpose. This practice is popular among crystal enthusiasts who seek to enhance the energetic properties of their stones.

Creating Moon Water

Creating moon water is a widely practiced ritual during a full moon. It involves placing water in a container and leaving it outside or on a windowsill to absorb the moon's energy overnight. Moon water is believed to possess magical properties and can be used for various purposes, such as cleansing crystals, anointing objects, or as an ingredient in spells and rituals. Many people find comfort and a sense of connection with the lunar cycle through this practice.


The Origins of Full Moon Superstitions

The origins of full moon superstitions can be traced back to ancient civilizations that revered the moon as a deity and attributed powerful influences to its phases. The Latin word "luna," from which the term "lunatic" derives, reflects the belief that the moon could cause erratic behavior. Greek philosopher Aristotle and Roman historian Pliny the Elder suggested a connection between the moon's influence on tides and its potential impact on human psychology.


Debunking Full Moon Myths

Despite the prevalence of full moon superstitions, scientific research has consistently debunked their validity. Studies have shown no significant correlation between the full moon and an increase in crime rates, emergency room visits, or accidents. The gravitational effect of the moon on human behavior is too minuscule to have any meaningful impact. Any observed correlations are likely due to coincidences or the human tendency to seek patterns where none exist.


Cultural Traditions and Beliefs

Full moon superstitions vary across different cultures and regions. In some Native American legends, the moon is held captive by a hostile tribe, while antelope attempt to rescue it but are foiled by the trickster Coyote. Chinese traditions involve offerings to ancestors during the full moon, and in British folklore, the timing of the moon's phase on Christmas is believed to predict the success of the following year's harvest.


The Magic of Moon Phases

For many Pagans and Wiccans, the different phases of the moon hold significant magical properties. Each phase, including the waxing moon, full moon, waning moon, and new moon, is associated with specific intentions and spellwork. The waxing moon is often used for manifestation and growth, while the full moon is a time for abundance and completion. The waning moon is associated with release and banishing, and the new moon symbolizes new beginnings and setting intentions.


The Moon and Memory Aid

To aid in remembering the order of the phases of the moon, a mnemonic device called "The Lunar Cycle Memory Aid" can be used:

"Wax on, full on, wane on, new. Wax off, full off, wane off, too."


This simple phrase helps to recall the sequence of the lunar cycle and the transitions between each phase.

Exploring the Mysteries of the Moon

As we continue to explore the mysteries of the moon, it is essential to approach superstitions with a critical mindset. While the moon holds immense beauty and symbolism, it is crucial to separate fact from fiction. By appreciating the moon's natural wonders and engaging in rituals that foster personal connections, we can honor the rich cultural traditions associated with this celestial body while embracing scientific knowledge.

The full moon, with its captivating glow, continues to inspire awe and wonder. While superstitions may persist, the scientific understanding of the moon's influence on human behavior remains grounded. By appreciating the cultural traditions and harnessing the moon's energy in personal rituals, we can find connection and meaning in the ever-present lunar light.


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