Human Subcultures
Subcultures are a variety of cultures and sub-groups that become part of society. Learn more about sub-cultures like Geisha, the Amish, Freegans or the Mafia.
Inside LA's Forest Lawn, Where the Biggest Celebrities Rest in Peace
Is Human Composting the Greenest Burial Option?
What's With Germany's Strict Burial Regulations?
Is Triangle Tattoo Meaning Modern or Ancient? History & Evolution
Is Elephant Tattoo Meaning Good Luck? Myth vs. Reality
Is Lotus Flower Tattoo Meaning a Sacred Symbol? History & Origins
Every Celtic Knot Holds Meaning Within Its Intricate Design
What in the World Is a 'Shoey'?
Did You Know It's 2016 in Ethiopia Right Now?
The Hardest Tongue Twister in English Is...
We Say 'Once in a Blue Moon' But Blue Moons Aren't That Rare
Why We 'Touch Base' at Work and in Baseball
What's the Science Behind Mood Rings?
10 Things We Love to Hate About the '70s and '80s
Celebratory Yard Signs Are Having a Major Moment
5 Family Traditions for New Babies
5 Family Anniversary Traditions
5 Family Traditions for Daughters
Are Mermaids Real? A Look at Mermaid Myths Across Cultures
All About the Mythical Phoenix: Bird of Fire and Eternal Life
Bad Luck Comes in Threes: Separating Superstition from Reality
What Are the Most and Least Popular Birthdays in the U.S.?
The Firm vs. the Family: How Does the British Monarchy Really Work?
What's the Difference Between a Duke and an Earl?
Deciphering Generation Names, Birth Years and Stereotypes
How the Millennial Generation Works
Millennials Are Making Birthday Cards a Thing Again
How Many Sentences Are in a Paragraph, Really?
All About Adjectives: Examples, Types and Uses
Simile Examples in Literature and Everyday Language
14 Weird Christmas Traditions to Perplex and Delight You
Where to Find the Best Christmas Markets in Europe
The Biggest Christmas Tree in the World Was 20 Stories Tall
5 Black-Red-Yellow Flag Designs Around the World
Which Blue and White Flag Is That? 9 Possibilities
Telling One Green-White-Orange Flag From Another
7 Signs He Likes You More Than Just a Friend
Kindness Quotes to Inspire Positivity and Connection
Who Keeps the Ring if the Engagement Ends in a Breakup?
The Armor of God: A Metaphorical Guide to Christian Faith
9 Names of God in Christianity and Judaism
Kali: Goddess of Death and Rebirth in Hindu Tradition
Quiz: Finish That Jingle!
How One Woman Unexpectedly Became the Voice of Siri
There's a Healthier Way to Consume Your Media
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How do you keep 75,000 metalheads sufficiently beered? A pipeline, naturally.
Cannibalism? Anthropophagy, if you prefer? There's more nuance when it comes to consumption of human flesh than you might imagine.
The life of a feral child isn't all swashbuckling Tarzan-and-Jane, but for some children, it's a better alternative than the lives they left behind.
By Oisin Curran
Collecting things is a very personal pursuit. Ask most people why they collect something, and they'll usually say they do it simply because they like the item they collect - whether it be stamps, comic books or decorative spoons. But some collections go far beyond the norm. Many people out there are obsessed with some [...] The post The 10 Weirdest Things People Collect appeared first on Goliath.
By Goliath Team
While the headlines usually focus on tales of abuse and scams, the reality is more humdrum - and heartbreaking.
By John Donovan
Maybe you thought hobos disappeared along with the Great Depression. But some folks are still living the life - albeit only part-time and without a bundle on a stick.
By Dave Roos
In the general sense, a cult is a group of people who come together with a set of unified beliefs and practices. Most of the time, the common values are fanatical views of religion and culture that tend to isolate one particular ideal or standard and then place it above all else. But what separates cults from [...] The post 8 Terrifying Real Life Cults appeared first on Goliath.
By Wes Walcott
Did the controversial practice of cult deprogramming do more harm than good? Find out.
By Oisin Curran
Star Wars Celebration is a fan convention unlike any other, because it's all Star Wars, all the time. Grab your lightsaber and come along for the ride as we look at the HowStuffWorks team's time in Anaheim, California for the 2015 show.
A convention doesn't just magically happen - a dedicated team has to organize and arrange all of the vendors, panels and logistics. Matt, Rich and Brian from ReedPop talk about the work they put in to create the ultimate fan experience.
Booth babes are controversial, but have you ever met the people behind the costumes? Find out what it's really like to work at a trade show as a booth actor.
We met with Steve Sansweet at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim to discuss his history with Star Wars and collecting, and find out how Rancho Obi-Wan came to be.
Attending your first con? We've got you covered with 10 essential con survival tips!
A short time ago at a convention not so far away... it's the 10 best Star Wars outfits of Dragon Con 2014!
Enjoy some of our favorite mind-blowing sights from Dragon Con 2014!
The WWE Experience draws many every year. Learn more about the WWE Experience in this video from
In 1968, "The Population Bomb" was published, with dire predictions of a coming world that could not feed itself. It launched the Zero Population Growth movement. Since then, the world population has doubled. What did the book get right and wrong?
By Dave Roos
Branding may put you in mind of that steak commercial on TV where the beef is seared with a hot iron marked Grade A. And in truth, the process on humans is not that different. Yet people who have been branded say there is pleasure in the pain.
By Julia Layton
Is this a cool extreme trend or a pointless gross risk? Reader discretion is advised for this article - depending on how you feel about tattooing your eyeball.
Today, entertainers like RuPaul have made the campy performance-oriented brand of drag a part of mainstream culture. But where did drag originate, and how has it changed?
Maybe you've heard about drinking the Kool-Aid or listening to The Family Jams - but what do you really know about some of the world's most infamous cults?
By Alia Hoyt & Jane McGrath
There's a community out there full of average frustrated chumps who live to sarge HBs. Have no idea what we mean? Enter the saucy world of the pickup artist.
Over its history, bullfighting has had more than its share of fans and detractors. Learn about the glitz, glory and gore of this often-misunderstood sport.
Most of us have tried our hand at the intricate (and sometimes exasperating) art of origami. But who first decided that folding paper into elaborate shapes sounded like fun? Find out in How Origami Works.
Midwives have existed for as long as babies have been born, with references in ancient Greek and Roman texts and the Bible. Midwives today attend about 75 percent of births worldwide. But what exactly is a midwife and what does she do?