Human Subcultures
Subcultures are a variety of cultures and sub-groups that become part of society. Learn more about sub-cultures like Geisha, the Amish, Freegans or the Mafia.
Inside LA's Forest Lawn, Where the Biggest Celebrities Rest in Peace
Is Human Composting the Greenest Burial Option?
What's With Germany's Strict Burial Regulations?
Is Triangle Tattoo Meaning Modern or Ancient? History & Evolution
Is Elephant Tattoo Meaning Good Luck? Myth vs. Reality
Is Lotus Flower Tattoo Meaning a Sacred Symbol? History & Origins
Every Celtic Knot Holds Meaning Within Its Intricate Design
What in the World Is a 'Shoey'?
Did You Know It's 2016 in Ethiopia Right Now?
The Hardest Tongue Twister in English Is...
We Say 'Once in a Blue Moon' But Blue Moons Aren't That Rare
Why We 'Touch Base' at Work and in Baseball
What's the Science Behind Mood Rings?
10 Things We Love to Hate About the '70s and '80s
Celebratory Yard Signs Are Having a Major Moment
5 Family Traditions for New Babies
5 Family Anniversary Traditions
5 Family Traditions for Daughters
Are Mermaids Real? A Look at Mermaid Myths Across Cultures
All About the Mythical Phoenix: Bird of Fire and Eternal Life
Bad Luck Comes in Threes: Separating Superstition from Reality
What Are the Most and Least Popular Birthdays in the U.S.?
The Firm vs. the Family: How Does the British Monarchy Really Work?
What's the Difference Between a Duke and an Earl?
Deciphering Generation Names, Birth Years and Stereotypes
How the Millennial Generation Works
Millennials Are Making Birthday Cards a Thing Again
How Many Sentences Are in a Paragraph, Really?
All About Adjectives: Examples, Types and Uses
Simile Examples in Literature and Everyday Language
14 Weird Christmas Traditions to Perplex and Delight You
Where to Find the Best Christmas Markets in Europe
The Biggest Christmas Tree in the World Was 20 Stories Tall
5 Black-Red-Yellow Flag Designs Around the World
Which Blue and White Flag Is That? 9 Possibilities
Telling One Green-White-Orange Flag From Another
7 Signs He Likes You More Than Just a Friend
Kindness Quotes to Inspire Positivity and Connection
Who Keeps the Ring if the Engagement Ends in a Breakup?
The Armor of God: A Metaphorical Guide to Christian Faith
9 Names of God in Christianity and Judaism
Kali: Goddess of Death and Rebirth in Hindu Tradition
Quiz: Finish That Jingle!
How One Woman Unexpectedly Became the Voice of Siri
There's a Healthier Way to Consume Your Media
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If you've ever seen costumed people with weapons covered in duct tape, then you've made contact with LARPers. Part battle, part story-telling, the Live Action Role Playing trend began in the 1960s and is still growing thanks to the continued popularity of fantasy and science fiction.
In this article, we'll separate fact from propaganda and learn what a cult actually is, see what practices characterize a destructive cult and investigate some of the more notable cult incidents in recent history.
By Julia Layton
The best-selling novel "Memoirs of a Geisha" depicts life as a geisha in Japan in the World War II era. But it is a work of fiction. Find out who and what a geisha is and how they fit into Japanese culture.
By Julia Layton
"Pistols at dawn!" The challenge is issued. To turn it down would leave you marked a coward for life. You meet at the chosen spot. You could be severely wounded or killed today. Why is all this happening? Because you made fun of his hat.
Witchcraft dates back countless centuries, and with all of the mythology floating around, it's hard to decipher fact from fiction. Do witches worship Satan? Do they cast spells? Find out about witchcraft.
The legend of the samurai continues to permeate our culture, with countless movies and TV shows dedicated to the subject. How much of what we know about the samurai is truth and how much is myth?
Secretive and silent, the ninja strikes fear into the hearts of peasants and emperors alike. Today, the ninja has become a legendary, cult-like figure, showing up in computer games, children's cartoons and martial-arts action films.
No computers? No electricity? This lifestyle might seem tough to most of us, but to the Amish, it's the norm. Read about the Amish culture, see pictures and learn how and why the Amish live as they do.
By Stephen Wise