Culture & Traditions
Cultures and Traditions takes a look at how people interact with each other. This might be through sub-cultures, relationships, fads or religion and spirituality.
Inside LA's Forest Lawn, Where the Biggest Celebrities Rest in Peace
Is Human Composting the Greenest Burial Option?
What's With Germany's Strict Burial Regulations?
Unlocking the Celestial Symbolism: A Comprehensive Guide to Star Tattoo Meanings
What Does a Bee Tattoo Represent? Hard Work, Protection, and Growth
The Meaning Behind a Raven Tattoo: Symbolism and Spiritual Significance
Does Sound Bowl Healing Work?
Every Celtic Knot Holds Meaning Within Its Intricate Design
What in the World Is a 'Shoey'?
The Most Common Words in English Aren't Nouns or Verbs
10 Most Common Letters in English That Every Wordle Player Should Know
The Hardest Tongue Twister in English Is...
What's the Science Behind Mood Rings?
10 Things We Love to Hate About the '70s and '80s
Celebratory Yard Signs Are Having a Major Moment
5 Family Traditions for New Babies
5 Family Anniversary Traditions
5 Family Traditions for Daughters
Are Black Magic Spells Powerful? The Truth Behind Their Strength
Is a Solar Eclipse a Rare Spiritual Event? Rituals for Aligning Your Energy
Is Witchcraft Dangerous? Debunking Myths vs. Reality
What Are the Most and Least Popular Birthdays in the U.S.?
The Firm vs. the Family: How Does the British Monarchy Really Work?
What's the Difference Between a Duke and an Earl?
Deciphering Generation Names, Birth Years and Stereotypes
How the Millennial Generation Works
Millennials Are Making Birthday Cards a Thing Again
How Many Sentences Are in a Paragraph, Really?
All About Adjectives: Examples, Types and Uses
Simile Examples in Literature and Everyday Language
St. Patrick's Day: Spiritual Meaning in a Simple Shamrock
14 Weird Christmas Traditions to Perplex and Delight You
Where to Find the Best Christmas Markets in Europe
5 Black-Red-Yellow Flag Designs Around the World
Which Blue and White Flag Is That? 9 Possibilities
Telling One Green-White-Orange Flag From Another
How to Tell If She’s Cheating: Common Clues and Behaviors
Signs She’s Not in Love with You – She’s Just Playing Along
7 Signs He Likes You More Than Just a Friend
The Spiritual Meaning of Easter Outweighs Christmas for Some
38 Greek God Names and 34 More Figures From Greek Myths
The Armor of God: A Metaphorical Guide to Christian Faith
How Synanon Went From Rehab Philosophy to Violent Cult
Branch Davidians and David Koresh's End of the World
The Unification Church: Mass Marriages and a Moonie Messiah
Quiz: Finish That Jingle!
How One Woman Unexpectedly Became the Voice of Siri
There's a Healthier Way to Consume Your Media
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The best-selling novel "Memoirs of a Geisha" depicts life as a geisha in Japan in the World War II era. But it is a work of fiction. Find out who and what a geisha is and how they fit into Japanese culture.
By Julia Layton
The public debate between Christian creationism and evolution has heated up once again in the United States. Learn about the different forms of Christian creationism and find out what's fueling the controversy.
By Julia Layton
How does intelligent design explain the origins of life? Does it fit the criteria of a scientific theory, or is it religious dogma in a scientific wrapper? In this article, we'll examine intelligent design and the controversy it has generated.
By Julia Layton
"Pistols at dawn!" The challenge is issued. To turn it down would leave you marked a coward for life. You meet at the chosen spot. You could be severely wounded or killed today. Why is all this happening? Because you made fun of his hat.
Reno is known as the divorce capital because of the "quickie divorce" a couple can get there. What is a quickie divorce and what does it have to do with Reno? Find out in this article.
Are divorces easier to get now than they used to be? What are the types of divorce, the procedures, and what's involved in the final divorce agreement? We'll explore mediation as an alternative to litigation and see what it takes to get a DIY divorce.
If you've ever been in love, you've probably at least considered classifying the feeling as an addiction. And guess what? You're right - it's the same chemical process taking place.
Gone are the days when flirtation and romance were to be found in bars and grocery store produce aisles. Online dating is the much hipper -- and more common -- way to go these days.
Are you bored with the commercialism of the Christmas holidays? Do you find tinsel distracting? Is there a large aluminum pole collecting dust in your crawlspace? If you answered yes to all of the above then Festivus is for you!
By Matt Hunt
Witchcraft dates back countless centuries, and with all of the mythology floating around, it's hard to decipher fact from fiction. Do witches worship Satan? Do they cast spells? Find out about witchcraft.
The Menorah is a symbol of the Hanukkah holiday. The candles are lit on each day of the holiday. Where did this tradition start and what do the candles represent? Find out the answer in this article.
The holiday of Kwanzaa is a time to honor African traditions. It lasts seven days, uses seven symbols and sets forth seven ideals. How is it celebrated?
The legend of the samurai continues to permeate our culture, with countless movies and TV shows dedicated to the subject. How much of what we know about the samurai is truth and how much is myth?
Secretive and silent, the ninja strikes fear into the hearts of peasants and emperors alike. Today, the ninja has become a legendary, cult-like figure, showing up in computer games, children's cartoons and martial-arts action films.
Given Pope Francis's recent health challenges, discussions regarding potential successors have emerged within the Catholic community.
By Kevin Bonsor & Dave Roos
The national American holiday honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. falls on the third Monday in January. Learn about the life and work of this legendary civil rights activist.
Also known as the Festival of Lights, Hanukkah celebrates a very special triumph over religious persecution, when the Jews were able to escape oppression at the hands of Antiochus, a Syrian king.
In Islam, Ramadan is the holiest time of the year. For a month, Muslims fast during daylight hours to show their devotion to Allah. Find out what Ramadan is all about.
Yom Kippur is marks the end of a 10-day period during which Jews seek forgiveness for their sins so they can make a fresh start. It's considered to be the holiest day of the Jewish year.
Rosh Hashanah is one of the most important holidays in the Jewish religion, celebrating the Jewish New Year and three other important themes.
By Julia Layton
The fear of Friday the 13th isn't exactly grounded in scientific logic. But that doesn't stop us from feeling that it's unlucky.
By Tom Harris
Did you know that servers, guides, drivers, concierges and others who help us dine and travel sometimes aren't paid even minimum wage by their employers? They depend on customer gratuities. Want to know what to tip and when?
No computers? No electricity? This lifestyle might seem tough to most of us, but to the Amish, it's the norm. Read about the Amish culture, see pictures and learn how and why the Amish live as they do.
By Stephen Wise
OK, so a good friend of mine was driving down the highway and he picked up this hitchhiker... Urban legends are the basis for some truly spooky ghost stories. See how the tales get started and how they make their way to you.
By Tom Harris
Mother's Day is set aside in many countries as a day to honor our mothers and grandmothers. The origin of this day can be traced back much farther than you might think. Learn about the history of this special day.