Government Agencies
Agencies are various organizations or entities within the government. Learn more about agencies like the FBI, foster care, the Postal Service or Customs.
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12 Largest Cities in Mexico, Ranked by Population
What to Do if Your Vote Is Challenged on Election Day
Why Does the U.S. House of Representatives Have Only 435 Seats?
Do Campaign TV Ads Really Change Voters' Minds?
Is the U.S. Prepared to Handle Natural Disasters During the COVID-19 Pandemic?
The Defense Production Act Was Designed for Emergencies Like Coronavirus
The Waffle House Index Is at Code Red; That's Not Good
The Most Racist States in the U.S. Aren't Where You'd Expect
Who Are the Sanctioned Russian Oligarchs?
How British Parliament Works
10 Most Corrupt Countries in the World — As Far As We Know
Most Racist Countries in the World: A Global Look at Inequality
Is Taiwan a Country? It Depends on Which Criteria You Use
How Does the U.S. Government Declassify Top Secret Documents?
How Does the U.S. Classify Its Most Sensitive Documents?
Why Data Encryption Remains a Really Complex Issue
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The foster care system is a relatively recent solution to the problem of parents being unable to care for their children. Separate and very different from adoption, foster care is usually meant to be a temporary situation. Find out how the system works and how people become foster parents.
By Tom Harris
Just about every U.S. president of the past 80 years has released his memoirs. But they don't all take the same format. We'll look at the variations and why -- apart from historical record -- former presidents feel compelled to put pen to paper.
The FCC is the government group that reacted to Janet Jackson's Super Bowl exposure and to indecency violations by Bubba the Love Sponge. Learn about the FCC's obscenity criteria.
The world looks to the United Nations for guidance on important international matters. Find out what goes on inside the United Nations and what role it really plays in international politics.
When the president goes anywhere by plane, he travels in the most amazing private jet in the world -- a flying White House complete with a gym! Take a tour of this amazing aircraft and see pictures from past and present.
By Tom Harris
U.S. customs officers do far more than looking through people's bags at the airport. They enforce hundreds of laws for 40 different government agencies. We'll examine what U.S. Customs does and what you need to know about bringing goods into the U.S.