Western Spirituality

Western Spirituality observes spiritual practices of the West. Find information on topics related to angels, sainthood or the Papacy.

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Poseidon, god of the sea, was an integral figure in ancient Greek mythology. Although the name Poseidon means "lord of the earth," this powerful god mostly controlled the oceans and waterways. The Aegean Sea fell and rose by his hand, and sailors prayed for mercy during every nautical voyage.

By Mitch Ryan

Unlike monotheistic religions based on the belief in an omnipotent, all-powerful overseer god who judges actions and determines justice in the mortal world, in Norse mythology, gods and goddesses were powerful entities that experienced human flaws, trials and conflicts.

By Mitch Ryan

The true appearance of Jesus Christ has been a topic of fascination and debate for centuries. Traditional Western art often portrays him with long, flowing hair, blue eyes and a beard, but these depictions are more reflective of European aesthetics than historical accuracy. This begs question: What did Jesus look like?

By Desiree Bowie


Have you ever wondered how the historical figure known as Jesus was actually referred to in his own time and place? Hint: It wasn't by that name.

By Desiree Bowie

Roman gods and goddesses reflected the diverse Roman people who worshipped them. Since Roman civilization was built on top of the ruins of Greek influence in Europe, Northern Africa and the Middle East, Greek mythology became the foundation of ancient Roman religion.

By Mitch Ryan

There was no singular overarching Celtic religion. As ancient Celts made their homes in widespread regions across Western Europe, they developed different Celtic gods and goddesses to fulfill their spiritual needs.

By Mitch Ryan

All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares; the same goes for the Catholic vs. Christian distinction. All Catholics are Christian, but not all Christians consider themselves Catholic.

By Mitch Ryan


In the realm of religious literature, the Bible stands as one of the most influential in human history. Its words have shaped the beliefs and practices of millions worldwide. But amidst its teachings, a fundamental question persists: Who wrote the Bible?

By Yara Simón

From the earliest appearance of the five-pointed star in ancient times to its former role as a Christian symbol, there are millennia of history surrounding the pentagram, meaning it's one of the oldest symbols in the world. The pentagram's significance has evolved, leaving an indelible mark on culture and spirituality.

By Desiree Bowie

Explore the significance of your Life Path Number. Discover its calculation, influence, and insights into your life's journey.

By HowStuffWorks

Explore the depth of Master Numbers. Discover their unique symbolism, spiritual significance, and numerological impact.

By HowStuffWorks


Explore the world of Name Numerology. Discover insights into name meanings, personality traits, and destiny.

By HowStuffWorks

Delve into Chaldean Numerology's wisdom. Discover its unique insights, ancient roots, and numerological significance.

By HowStuffWorks

Explore the miraculous phenomenon of Incorruptible Saints, whose bodies defy decay after death. Dive into the history, significance, and mysteries surrounding these holy figures.

By Josh Clark

Incorruptible bodies -- corpses that don't decay -- are a scientific mystery. Read why incorruptible bodies are hard to explain and where to find them.

By Josh Clark


Jesus's death and resurrection are celebrated by Christians either in March or April (depending on the year) and there is no agreement as to the actual dates of the events. So, when do most scholars think Jesus died?

By Dave Roos

We've seen the words in movies, books, art, and even anime, but what are the seven deadly sins? And who came up with the list?

By Dave Roos

While 33 is often the "go-to" answer to the question of how old was Jesus when he died, many scholars doubt that age is accurate.

By Dave Roos

The formation of the 12 tribes of Israel is one of the foundational narratives of the Bible. But nowadays, a new picture of the 12 tribes has emerged.

By Dave Roos


Throughout history, people have speculated as to who or what Gog and Magog were. Were they two people, one person and his land or two nations? And why were they associated with the Apocalypse?

By Dave Roos

Most observant Mormons wear special underwear they call temple garments as a reminder of their faith. What are the rules around wearing it? And must they always wear it?

By Dave Roos

During the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah, it's common to hear people wish each other "Shana Tova!" What does this phrase mean?

By Laurie L. Dove

Mabon is a fairly recent Pagan festival created to give thanks for the harvest. What does Mabon mean and how is it celebrated?

By Dave Roos


The recent attack on author Salman Rushdie led many to conclude that it was the result of the fatwa issued against him in 1989 by the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. But what exactly is a fatwa?

By Myriam Renaud

Ashura is a very important holiday to both Shiite and Sunni Muslims but the two groups attach very different meanings to the day.

By Dave Roos