Religion & Spirituality
Religion and Spirituality is an important element of every culture. Learn more about world religions and spiritual practices in both Eastern and Western cultures.
Kali: Goddess of Death and Rebirth in Hindu Tradition
All About Shiva, God of Destruction and Transformation
15 Hindu Gods Representing Cyclical Balance in the Universe
The Armor of God: A Metaphorical Guide to Christian Faith
9 Names of God in Christianity and Judaism
Abaddon Is a Place and a Figure, Both Chaotic and Destructive
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It's one of the largest religions on Earth but little-known in the West, where its practitioners are often mistaken for Muslims or Hindus. What else should we know about the Sikh faith?
By Dave Roos
Many Jewish people will affix a mezuzah, a decorative case, to the doorframe of their houses. What's the significance of this?
By Dave Roos
Lao-tzu was the legendary Taoist philosopher whose words sound profoundly modern. They help us maintain a sense of harmony in an often-chaotic world. Here are five of his sayings to ponder.
By Dave Roos
An obscure passage in Genesis mentions a group of superhumans who were the offspring of angels and women. Who were the Nephilim and what do they have to do with the Watchers?
By Dave Roos
Cain and Abel are depicted in the Bible as the first pair of brothers and also the first case of murder on Earth. But what does the story really mean?
By Dave Roos
The black-haired "demoness" of folklore turns up in many ancient legends, but in the 21st century, Lilith has been recast as a feminist symbol. This is her story.
By Dave Roos
Nonviolence is central to the core of Jainism, as everything has a soul - animals, flowers and even bacteria, as well as people. How do Jainists practice this in daily life?
By Dave Roos
This short four-line prayer is one of the best-known in the world. But who wrote it and how did it come to be associated with AA?
By Dave Roos
It's the oldest (and probably most obscure) monotheistic religion. So, how did it influence so many of the better-known ones? And will Zoroastrianism survive?
By Dave Roos
The first man and woman are formed from clay to live in paradise until they are forced to leave because of deceit. It's a biblical story but also one found in many other cultures.
By Dave Roos
Many Christians believe Jesus Christ will return to Earth to judge and rule it; they refer to it as the Second Coming. For centuries people have hoped it would happen in their lifetimes. So when - if ever - will it take place?
By Dave Roos
Originally, 'Pagan' was a putdown for the country folk who continued to worship the old Roman gods, rather than embracing Christianity. Today, paganism is having a resurgence but with a modern twist.
By Dave Roos
By the time Richard Alpert died in 2019, he was better known as Baba Ram Dass and had become a spiritual teacher, psychedelic research pioneer, best-selling author and New Age guru to millions of followers.
Born in 1207 as JalÄl ad-DÄ«n Muhammad RÅ«mÄ«, the Sufi mystic and Persian poet wrote a staggering amount of verse, and is still beloved and widely influential to this day.
The most famous Quaker (the one on the oats box) is not even a real person. And this religious group, best known for its pacifism, has had much success in a sweeter area of food: chocolate!
By Dave Roos
In TV shows and movies, sometimes an angel of death appears to tell some unfortunate soul their time on Earth is over. But where did this idea come from? And what if you tell the angel, "I'm not ready?"
By Dave Roos
Are Hindus polytheistic? Do they worship cows? And how does yoga fit into this religion? We answer some of the most-asked questions around Hinduism.
By Dave Roos
The practice of shamanism has mystical and spiritual connotations, but it's not tied to any specific religion or creed. So, what exactly is shamanism?
In the popular imagination, hell is depicted as a place of fire, presided over by Satan dressed in red and holding a pitchfork. But depictions of hell have actually evolved over time.
By Dave Roos
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, more widely known as the Mormon church, can generate a lot of questions: Is there really special underwear? Is it a cult? We bust some myths.
By Dave Roos
It started out as a small movement in Jamaica that went worldwide with the popularity of reggae music. Today you can find Rastafarians on every continent. But what is Rastafari really all about?
By Dave Roos
The books that make up the Bible were written over a span of 1,000 years. During that time, many other religious writings were also produced. So, who decided which would be part of the Bible and which would be left out?
By Dave Roos & Talon Homer
Halos and robes and wings are how most people think of angels, but these heavenly beings are actually a lot more complex than their popular image. How much do you know about angels' roles, ranks and responsibilities? Take our quiz to find out!
By Alia Hoyt
The intricate, circular design of the mandala is used in many religions and cultures to symbolically represent the cosmos and the organizational structure of life itself.
Many people are attracted to the principles behind the Law of Attraction as one way to have a better life. But does it really work?