Scary Stories

The Teeny-Tiny Woman

The teeny-tiny woman put the bone away in her cabinet.

Once upon a time there was a teeny-tiny woman. She lived all alone in a teeny-tiny house. Her teeny-tiny house sat on the teeny-tiny edge of a big swamp. The teeny-tiny woman loved her teeny-tiny house.

One day, the teeny-tiny woman decided to go for a teeny-tiny walk. She put on her teeny-tiny scarf and her teeny-tiny shawl.


She went only a teeny-tiny way before she stopped at a teeny-tiny gate. The teeny-tiny woman walked into a teeny-tiny churchyard.

Inside the teeny-tiny churchyard, she found a teeny-tiny graveyard. The teeny-tiny graveyard had only one teeny-tiny grave. The teeny-tiny woman looked at this teeny-tiny grave. On top of it was a teeny-tiny bone.

"This teeny-tiny bone will make me some teeny-tiny soup. I'll have that for my teeny-tiny supper," said the teeny-tiny woman. She put the teeny-tiny bone into her teeny-tiny pocket.

She left the teeny-tiny graveyard. She opened the teeny-tiny gate to the teeny-tiny churchyard. She walked a teeny-tiny way to her teeny-tiny house on the teeny-tiny edge of the big swamp.

Now the teeny-tiny woman was a teeny-tiny bit tired. She did not feel like making any teeny-tiny soup with the teeny-tiny bone.

The teeny-tiny woman put the teeny-tiny bone into a teeny-tiny jar. She put the teeny-tiny jar into her teeny-tiny cupboard.

"I think I will go take a teeny-tiny nap," said the teeny-tiny woman. She went to her teeny-tiny bedroom. Then the teeny-tiny woman crawled into her teeny-tiny bed. Soon the teeny-tiny woman was fast asleep.

The teeny-tiny woman slept for just a teeny-tiny time. A teeny-tiny voice woke her. The teeny-tiny voice called out from the teeny-tiny cupboard.

The teeny-tiny voice said, "Give me my bone!"

The teeny-tiny woman was a teeny-tiny bit scared. She pulled the teeny-tiny covers up around her teeny-tiny eyeballs.

The teeny-tiny voice in the teeny-tiny cupboard stopped.

The teeny-tiny woman went back to sleep. But only for a teeny-tiny time.

The teeny-tiny voice cried out from the teeny-tiny cupboard again. It woke the teeny-tiny woman.

The teeny-tiny voice grew louder and louder.

This time, the voice was a teeny-tiny bit louder.

"Give me my bone!" it said.

Now the teeny-tiny woman was a teeny-tiny bit more scared. She pulled the teeny-tiny covers over her teeny-tiny head and tried to hide. Soon, the teeny-tiny woman went back to sleep.

But only for a teeny-tiny time.

The teeny-tiny voice called out again from the teeny-tiny cupboard. It woke up the teeny-tiny woman. This time, the teeny-tiny voice was just a teeny-tiny bit louder.

The teeny-tiny voice said, "Give me my bone!"

The teeny-tiny woman was a teeny-tiny bit more scared than before. But she did not hide under her teeny-tiny covers.

The teeny-tiny woman poked her head out from under the teeny-tiny covers. In her loudest, teeny-tiny voice, she said, "TAKE IT!"

Then the teeny-tiny woman went back to sleep. The teeny-tiny voice did not call out from the teeny-tiny cupboard anymore.

The teeny-tiny woman slept soundly all night in her teeny-tiny bed. The next morning, the teeny-tiny woman looked in her teeny-tiny cupboard. The teeny-tiny jar and the teeny-tiny bone were gone.

Now the teeny-tiny woman was a teeny-tiny bit hungry again. After all, she never made her teeny-tiny soup for her teeny-tiny supper.

The teeny-tiny woman went for another teeny-tiny walk. The teeny-tiny woman went only a teeny-tiny way.

She stopped at the teeny-tiny churchyard. Inside the teeny-tiny churchyard she found the teeny-tiny graveyard again.

The teeny-tiny woman saw her teeny-tiny jar sat on top of the teeny-tiny marker of the teeny-tiny grave. The teeny-tiny woman picked up her teeny-tiny jar. The teeny-tiny jar was empty.

The teeny-tiny woman was just about to go back to her teeny-tiny house. She noticed something else.

"What is this?" said the teeny-tiny woman. "A teeny-tiny tooth." She put the teeny-tiny tooth in her teeny-tiny jar. She took the teeny-tiny jar back to her teeny-tiny house. She put the teeny-tiny jar into her teeny-tiny cupboard.

The teeny-tiny woman put the tooth into her jar.

Now the teeny-tiny woman was a teeny-tiny bit tired again. She decided to take a teeny-tiny nap. The teeny-tiny woman was almost asleep when she heard a teeny-tiny voice.

"Give me my tooth!" said the teeny-tiny voice.

This time, the teeny-tiny woman knew just what to do.

In her loudest, teeny-tiny voice, she said, "TAKE IT!"

Visit the count of Transylvania in the next story, "Dracula's Secret."

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