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How Riot Control Works

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  • Archer, Jules. Rage in the Streets: Mob Violence in America. Harcourt Brace & Company, 1994.
  • Baker, MSG Anthony E., USAR, (Ret.), & Bonn, LTC Keith E., U.S. Army (Ret.). Guide to Military Operations Other Than War. Stackpole Books, 2000.
  • Coakley, Robert W. The Role of Federal Military Forces in Domestic Disorders, 1789-1878. Center of Military History, U.S. Army, 1988.
  • Hazen, Don (editor).Inside the L.A. Riots. Institute for Alternative Journalism, 1992.
  • Heaps, Willard A. Riots USA, 1765-1970. The Seabury Press, 1970.
  • Applegate, Colonel Rex. Crowd and Riot Control, including: Close Combat Techniques for Military and Police. The Stackpole Company, 1964.