
The Learning channel contains all the materials you need to help you learn about math and other challenging subjects of study. Explore the fun and free learning materials in this section.

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In 2012, MIT and Harvard joined forces to create edX, a nonprofit offering free online college classes from some of the world's top universities. How does it make money?

By Dave Roos

When's the last time you wrote a cursive capital Q? Instruction in penmanship has dropped as digital communication eclipses pen and paper. But could cursive skills mean more than pretty loops on a page?

By Julia Layton

Free college courses from top universities sounds fantastic. That's the premise of MOOCs – hundreds of thousands of people from around the world can sign up. Is this the future of college education or an interesting fad?

By Julia Layton


This college image gallery offers a visual perspective of some of the important aspects of attending a university. Check out these college pictures.

The teacher's voice fades, your pencil drops and your eyes close. Sound familiar? Classroom video conferencing is one teaching tool that could keep you awake. It might even get you excited about learning.

By Jennifer Horton

One of the top ten U.S. universities wants to give you an education -- for free. The only catch? You won't get a diploma.

By Jennifer Horton

Doctors, lawyers and other professionals take continuing education courses to stay current professionally. Learn how they find these courses.

By Tim Crosby


Net Generation students are a new breed of learner. Find out how these students work and how colleges and workplaces are evolving to meet their needs.

By Dave Roos

Driver safety, employee training and college courses are now being offered in a virtual environment. Learn how these virtual classrooms work.

By Joe Wallace

Becoming a lawyer is a difficult but rewarding process. Learn how to prepare for the LSAT and to choose the right school.

By Laura Murray & Sam Burritt

Spotting a genius is pretty easy -- without a doubt, Einstein, Newton and Mozart all qualify. But exactly what makes a person a genius is harder to puzzle out.

By Tracy V. Wilson


E-learning has the ability to turn any computer into a classroom. Explore the dynamic world of e-learning!

By Lee Ann Obringer

Mensa is an organization for people with very high IQs. What does it take to get accepted into this organization? Learn about Mensa in this article.

Becoming a doctor isn't easy. Many teens dream of this profession early on, but high school grades, MCATs and medical school all play into the equation. Find out about the realities, struggles and rewards of becoming, and then being, a doctor.

By Carl Bianco, M.D.