Uncovering the History of the Bonanno Crime Family

By: HowStuffWorks  | 
bonanno crime family
Criminal Activities: The family has been involved in various illegal operations, from extortion to racketeering. Peter Dazeley / Getty Images

Delve into the dark and fascinating history of the Bonanno crime family, one of the most infamous and powerful criminal organizations in the United States. Discover their Sicilian roots, key figures who shaped their legacy, and the internal conflicts that challenged their dominance. Uncover the family’s criminal enterprises and recent developments as we explore their past, present, and uncertain future.

Short Summary
  • The Bonanno crime family rose to power in the early 20th century and became one of New York’s ‘Five Families’ after their victory in the Castellammarese War.
  • Key figures such as Joseph Bonanno, Joseph Massino, and Vincent Basciano have shaped its history through expansion, growth, turmoil & conflict with rival families.
  • Recent developments have significantly impacted its power & influence. Acting bosses are essential for sustaining operations against law enforcement pressure & internal strife.


The Rise of the Bonanno Crime Family

The Bonanno family’s meteoric rise to power in the world of organized crime can be traced back to the early 20th century, when the first members of the family arrived in New York from Sicily. As they established their foothold in the city, they quickly gained a reputation for brutality and ruthlessness, ultimately becoming one of the notorious “Five Families” that dominated the New York Mafia. Over the years, the Bonanno family engaged in various criminal activities, often in fierce competition with other crime families for territory and resources.

From the ashes of the Castellammarese War, the Bonanno family emerged as a powerful force in the underworld. The war, a bloody conflict between the Castellammarese gang and the Masseria family, paved the way for the Bonanno family’s ascent to power. With the assassination of Joe the Boss Masseria, the Castellammarese gang emerged victorious, and Salvatore Maranzano, the gang’s leader, declared himself the first boss of bosses in the American Mafia. This development set the stage for the Bonanno family’s entry into the upper echelons of organized crime.


Sicilian Roots

The origins of the Bonanno family can be traced back to the town of Castellammare del Golfo in Trapani, Sicily, where the founding family members established their criminal network in the 1880s. The Castellammarese War marked a turning point for the Bonanno family, as it saw the rise of powerful figures like Salvatore Maranzano and Joseph Bonanno who would go on to shape the family’s future. The war, fought between the Castellammarese gang and the Masseria family, resulted in the assassination of Joe the Boss Masseria and the emergence of Maranzano as the first boss of bosses in the American Mafia.

After Maranzano’s death, Joseph Bonanno took the reins of the family, consolidating power and expanding the family’s criminal empire. Under his leadership, the family engaged in various illegal activities, including:

  • loan sharking
  • bookmaking
  • numbers running
  • prostitution

Bonanno’s reign marked an era of prosperity and influence for the family, as they became one of the most powerful criminal organizations in the country.

Expansion and Growth

As the Bonanno family’s power grew, so too did their criminal interests. Expanding beyond the borders of New York, they established operations in California, Arizona, and other locations across the United States. The family also had a strong presence in Canada and Cuba, further extending their reach and influence in the world of organized crime.

The Bonanno family’s criminal activities were diverse and far-reaching. They were heavily involved in illegal gambling, loan sharking, extortion, and other illicit activities. One of their most notorious ventures was a money laundering conspiracy that saw the family use shell companies and offshore accounts to conceal the proceeds of their criminal enterprises. This intricate web of financial deceit allowed the family to evade law enforcement and maintain their powerful position in the underworld.


Key Figures in the Bonanno Family History

Throughout its history, the Bonanno family has been shaped by the actions and decisions of its most influential members. From the early days of Joseph Bonanno’s leadership to the turbulent reign of Joseph Massino, these key figures have left indelible marks on the family’s legacy. The choices they made and the conflicts they navigated not only affected the fortunes of the Bonanno family but also shaped the broader landscape of organized crime in America.

Each of these nine members brought their unique talents and strengths to the table, helping the family adapt and thrive in an ever-changing underworld. Their stories are a testament to the resilience and cunning of the Bonanno family, as well as the enduring allure of power and wealth in the world of crime.


Joe Bonanno

Joe Bonanno, also known as “Joe Bananas,” was a highly-esteemed member of the Bonanno family, serving as its boss from 1931 to 1965. Born in Castellammare del Golfo, Sicily, Bonanno immigrated to the United States in the early 20th century and quickly rose through the ranks of the Mafia. Under his leadership, the Bonanno family became one of the most powerful and influential criminal organizations in the country.

Bonanno’s tenure as boss was marked by both success and conflict. He skillfully navigated the complex world of organized crime, engaging in a wide range of illegal activities and forging alliances with other powerful Mafia bosses. However, his reign was also marred by internal conflicts and power struggles, which eventually led to his downfall and the fracturing of the Bonanno family.

Joseph Massino

Joseph Massino, known as “The Last Don,” was the boss of the Bonanno family from 1991 to 2004. During his tenure, Massino worked tirelessly to rebuild the family’s power and influence, which had been severely diminished by the infiltration of FBI agent Joseph Pistone, known as Donnie Brasco. Massino’s leadership marked a resurgence for the Bonanno family, as he successfully reasserted their position among the Five Families of New York.

Massino’s reign, however, came to a dramatic end in 2003 when he was arrested and subsequently faced the death penalty for seven murders and racketeering charges. In a stunning turn of events, Massino became the first boss in the history of the American Mafia to turn informant, providing crucial information that led to the arrest and conviction of numerous high-ranking mobsters. His downfall marked the end of an era for the Bonanno family and a significant blow to the world of organized crime.

Vincent Basciano

Vincent Basciano, also known as “Vinny Gorgeous,” was an American mobster who assumed the role of acting boss of the Bonanno crime family in the early 2000s. A charismatic and feared figure in the underworld, Basciano was known for his brutal tactics and unyielding loyalty to the family. Under his leadership, the Bonanno family continued to engage in various criminal activities, including illegal gambling, loan sharking, and extortion.

Basciano’s tenure as acting boss was short-lived, as he was arrested and convicted of murder in 2007, receiving a life sentence in federal prison. His conviction marked yet another setback for the Bonanno family, as they struggled to maintain their power and influence in the face of relentless law enforcement pressure.


Turmoil and Conflict within the Family

Throughout its history, the Bonanno family has been no stranger to turmoil and conflict. From the bloody Castellammarese. War to the internal power struggles that plagued the family, these challenges have tested the resilience and adaptability of the Bonanno family at every turn. While they have managed to endure and overcome many of these obstacles, the constant state of upheaval has undoubtedly taken its toll on the family’s strength and unity.

One of the most significant conflicts in the family’s history was the so-called Bonanno War, which erupted in the 1960s following the disappearance of Joseph Bonanno. This power struggle led to a period of intense violence and instability within the family, as various factions vied for control. Although the family eventually managed to regain some semblance of order and unity, the lasting effects of these conflicts continue to shape the Bonanno family to this day.


The Bonanno War

The Bonanno War was a turbulent period in the family’s history, marked by a bitter power struggle that erupted following the disappearance of Joseph Bonanno in 1964. The conflict pitted various factions within the family against each other, as they sought to fill the power vacuum left by Bonanno’s sudden departure. The ensuing violence and chaos threatened to tear the family apart, as loyalties were tested and old alliances were shattered.

The war ultimately came to an end in 1968 when Joe Bonanno, who had been in hiding, suffered a heart attack and announced his permanent retirement from the Mafia. In the aftermath of the conflict, the family struggled to rebuild its power and influence, as it faced an uncertain future and the ever-present threat of further internal strife.

Rivalries with Other Families

In addition to their internal conflicts, the Bonanno family has also had to navigate rivalries with other prominent Mafia families, such as the Genovese and Lucchese families. These rivalries have often led to violent confrontations and attempts on the lives of rival bosses, further compounding the challenges faced by the Bonanno family as they sought to maintain their power and influence in the world of organized crime.

Despite these challenges, the Bonanno family has managed to endure and adapt, thanks in large part to the cunning and resilience of its members. While the future of the family remains uncertain, the lessons of its turbulent past serve as a stark reminder of the high stakes and brutal realities of life in the Mafia.


The Bonanno Family's Criminal Enterprises

The Bonanno family’s criminal enterprises have been diverse and far-reaching, spanning a wide range of illicit activities, including:

  • Illegal gambling
  • Loan sharking
  • Extortion
  • Money laundering

As the family’s power and influence grew, so too did the scope and complexity of their criminal operations, which often brought them into conflict with both law enforcement and rival crime families. A longtime family member eventually became the focus of a grand jury investigation.


Over the years, numerous Bonanno family members and associates have been arrested and convicted on a variety of charges related to their criminal activities. These arrests have dealt significant blows to the family’s power and influence, but have also served as a testament to the family’s resilience and determination to maintain their position in the world of organized crime, alongside other notorious groups like the Genovese and Bonanno families.

Competing Gambling Locations

One of the most lucrative criminal enterprises for the Bonanno family has been their involvement in illegal gambling operations. The family has been known to operate illegal gambling parlors at establishments such as the Soccer Club, La Nazionale Soccer Club, and Glendale Sports Club. These operations have generated significant profits for the family, but have also brought them into competition with other crime families for control over gambling locations.

This competition has sometimes led to violent confrontations and attempts on the lives of rival bosses, as the Bonanno family and their rivals vied for control over this lucrative criminal market. Despite these challenges, the family has managed to maintain a strong presence in the world of illegal gambling, demonstrating their adaptability and cunning in the face of adversity.

Money Laundering Conspiracy

In addition to their involvement in illegal gambling operations, the Bonanno family has also been implicated in a complex money laundering conspiracy that saw them use shell companies and offshore accounts to conceal the proceeds of their criminal activities. This intricate web of financial deceit allowed the family to evade law enforcement and maintain their powerful position in the underworld.

This money laundering conspiracy has resulted in numerous arrests and convictions of Bonanno family members and associates, dealing a significant blow to the family’s power and influence. However, their continued involvement in such complex criminal schemes serves as a testament to the family’s resourcefulness and determination to maintain their position in the world of organized crime.


Recent Developments and the Future of the Bonanno Family

The Bonanno family’s future remains uncertain, as the family continues to grapple with the challenges posed by law enforcement, internal strife, and rival crime families. Recent arrests and convictions of key family members have dealt significant blows to the family’s power and influence, while the role of acting bosses has become increasingly important in maintaining the family’s operations in the face of these challenges.

As the family looks to the future, it remains to be seen whether they will be able to adapt and overcome these obstacles, or if they will ultimately succumb to the pressures that have plagued them for so long. The Bonanno family’s story is one of resilience and determination, but it is also a cautionary tale of the high stakes and brutal realities of life in the world of organized crime.


Arrests and Convictions

Several high-profile arrests and convictions have had a significant impact on the Bonanno family in recent years. Notably, Joseph Massino, the family’s boss from 1991 to 2004, was arrested in 2003 and faced the death penalty for seven murders and racketeering charges. In a stunning turn of events, Massino became the first boss in the history of the American Mafia to turn informant, providing crucial information that led to the arrest and conviction of numerous high-ranking mobsters.

Another significant arrest came in 2015, when Joseph Cammarano Jr., alleged acting boss of the family, was apprehended and indicted for racketeering and extortion. These arrests have dealt major blows to the family’s power and influence, further highlighting the challenges they face as they attempt to maintain their position in the world of organized crime. Authorities continue to arrange police raids to dismantle such criminal networks.

The Role of Acting Bosses

In the face of these challenges, the role of acting bosses within the Bonanno family has become increasingly important. Acting bosses are temporary leaders who assume the role when the official boss is unable to lead, such as when they are incarcerated. These acting bosses are essential in sustaining the family’s operations and ensuring that the family’s interests are protected.

Notable acting bosses of the Bonanno family include:

  • Michael Mancuso
  • Carmine Galante
  • Salvatore Farragia
  • Anthony Spero
  • Joseph Cammarano Jr.
  • John Zancocchio

Their leadership has helped the family navigate the complex world of organized crime and maintain their power and influence, even in the face of relentless law enforcement pressure and internal strife.



The Bonanno crime family’s storied history is a testament to both the allure of power and the brutal realities of life in the world of organized crime. From their Sicilian roots and rise to prominence in New York City to their internal conflicts and rivalries with other crime families, the Bonanno family’s legacy is a complex tapestry of ambition, betrayal, and resilience. As the family faces an uncertain future, their story serves as a cautionary tale of the high stakes and dire consequences that come with a life of crime.

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