"What's in a name? That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet." In Act 2 of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet," Juliet does eventually realize that the Montague name has less significance than her beloved Romeo, and alas, the two star-crossed lovers are doomed.
But it turns out, Juliet may have been wrong when it comes to what's in a name. There actually is a lot of meaning behind what people are called. Naming traditions vary around the world, and some status-seeking individuals actually change their birth names for, gasp, self-aggrandizement. Celebrities seem to be the guiltiest in this name game. They have been giving their children bizarre names like Gravity, Kal-El and Apple since, well Frank Zappa named his kids Dweezil and Moon Unit. But these five famous people have names that go far beyond just quirky; their birth names are so long, just saying them will leave you breathless.