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- U.S. Fencing Association
- Federation Internationale D'escrime - the international sanctioning body for fencing
- Background on Duelling Pistols
- Legal Affairs: Fighting Words - a legal essay on the connections between anti-dueling laws and modern free-speech laws
- IMDB: The Duellists - a 1977 film about dueling and honor in Napoleonic times
- Cohen, Richard. "By the Sword." Random House, 2002. 0-375-50417-6.
- Holland, Barbara. "Gentlemen's Blood: A History of Dueling." Bloomsbury, 2003. 1-58234-366-7.
- McAleer, Kevin. "Dueling: The Cult of Honor in Fin-de-Siecle Germany." Princeton, 1994. 0-691-03462-1.
- Poliakoff, Michael B. "Combat Sports in the Ancient World." Yale University Press, 1987. 0-300-03768-6.
- Steward, Dick. "Duels and the Roots of Violence in Missouri." University of Missouri Press, 2000. 0-8262-1284-0.
- http://home.comcast.net/~brons/Maupin/LaMaupin.html
- http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/duel/sfeature/rulesofdueling.html
- http://www.drum.army.mil/sites/news/blizzard/blizzard_archives/news.asp?id=5&issuedate=4-28-2005
- http://www.pbs.org/opb/historydetectives/pdf/205_pistols.pdf
- http://www.fencing101.com/content/view/38/35/).
- http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/duel/sfeature/hamiltonusconstituion.html
- http://www.nps.gov/jeff/LewisClark2/Circa1804/In1804/HeadlinesAaronBurrDuel.htm
- http://www.bicyclingthroughhistory.com/d1ref2.html